Half-life calculation with the GUI

After loading and normalizing the data you can calculate the half-lives.

Extending the menu

You have to load the data and perform normalization before you can access the half-life calculation menu. After doing so you can extend the panel through simply clicking on the menu labeled Half-Life calculation in the Half-Life menu of the menu bar or by pressing Ctrl+H.

Adding Half-life calculations

In the current version (1.3) three methods for half-life calculations are implemented. You can include as many different methods as you want through subsequent clicking on the Add calculation button. A popup dialog will appear where you can choose between the three methods: You can also define two additional parameters: Please note that you can not change the half-life methods defined for normalization if you chose median-based normalization, because this method only provides one correction factor instead of all three.
An overview over all your chosen parameters and methods can be accessed via the Display choices button. In order to start the calculation you have to click the Start button.

Plotting the results

After calculating the half-lives you can plot the results. On the x-axis the half-lives are listed, while the y-axis displays the relative frequency of each half-life. For each method that you used, a different graph will be generated. You can save a plotting file that contains all values for all methods.

Saving the half-life values

You can save the calculated half-life values via the Save button. You can choose if you want to save only values from one calculation, in combination with one or more attributes, or save all calculations without attributes. For this last method you can choose between three types of values; the half-life values, the ratio values used for these or both. For details on the output format see the File formats page.

HALO documentation