Petri nets

ProCope contains methods to integrate information from an arbitrary of protein interaction networks, complex sets and purification data sets into a single colored Petri net. Below you find a description of the relationships contained in these Petri nets as well as a detailed specification of the different types of places and transitions participating in the nets.

Information integrated in the Petri nets

Petri nets generated by ProCope contain different kinds of relationships from the networks, complex sets and purification datasets they are generated from:

Creation of Petri nets and exporting to other formats

The Petri net generation method primarily creates a file containing an internal text representation of the generated network (see below). This network file can then be converted to different formats. Currently two export formats are implemented:
  1. XGMML - The Petri net is converted to the XGMML (eXtensible Graph Markup and Modeling Language) format. XGMML files can be imported into Cytoscape for example.
  2. ToPNeT  - A pair of ToPNeT compatible .places/.interactions files is generated.

Types of places and transitions

Below is a table of all different kinds of places you find in the Petri nets generated by ProCope. Each place has an attribute "type" which contains this information. In addition, each place has a "name" attribute which is used to label it e.g. for visualization. A unique internal ID is assigned to every place to identify it in the transitions. 

[n] denotes an automatically increasing integer number, [setname] is the name of the corresponding complex set or purification dataset.

Places type Internal ID "type" attribute Other attributes
Protein identifier of the protein protein "name" - same as internal ID
Binary interaction bin_[n] binary_interaction "name" - same as internal ID
Complex complex_[setname]_[n] complex "name" - same as internal ID
Purification experiment purification_[setname]_[n] purification_experiment "name" - same as internal ID

Next the table of transitions, each transition has a "type" attribut and specific types of input and output places.

Notes: [network] is the name of the network a binary interaction comes from, [complexset] is the name of the protein complex set the complex comes from and [dataset] is the name of the purification dataset in which the respective experiment is contained.

Transition type Input places Output places "type" attribute Other attributes
"binary interact" Proteins Binary interaction binary_interact source = [network]
"consists of" Proteins Complexes consists_of source = [complexset]
"purfication" Proteins Purification experiment purification source = [dataset]
"consists of" Binary interaction
Binary interaction
Purification experiment
Purification experiment
Purification experiment
consistent_with -

The input arc (an edge in a Petri net) which leads from the bait protein to the "purification" transition is labelled with the string "bait".

Internal Petri net format

In the internal Petri net format produced by ProCope, each line represents one place or transition.


A place line has the format:



Example place lines:

p       ykl099c name=ykl099c;type=protein
p       ybl074c name=ybl074c;type=protein


A transition line has the format:



Example transition lines:

t       bin31   complex_MIPS_restricted_8       type=consistent_with
t       bin103  complex_MIPS_restricted_23      type=consistent_with

Each incoming edge can also be labeled with annotations like this:
t    transition    inplace1,(inplace2:key1=value1;key2=value2)    outplace1,outplace2

ProCope documentation