How to do: Training of thresholds for iBRET method -Start iBRET via webstart or GUI using[Linux/Mac]/gui.bat(Windows) -Choose method "Training" (you may also choose "Classification" at the same time if you want to perform classification after training) -Load Data -Choose input file for positive reference interactions: -Press "Browse" -Browse your computer for a data file containing bret data of all positive reference interactions (e.g. using our file PRS_Data.txt (available from website or data subdirectory)) -Press "open" -The name of the data file should now appear in the text field -Press "load" to load previously the data file -Repeat the last steps for negative reference interactions: -e.g. using our file RRS_Data.txt -Set parameters for cross-validation to determine thresholds -Set number of folds: use e.g. 10, as described in online methods -Set abstention rate: number between 0 and 1. Sets the fraction of interactions which falls within the grey area. Use e.g. 0.25. -Set repeats of CV: number wich determines, how often the cross-validation is going to be repeated. Use e.g. 2. This may take around 10 s. Classification of protein-protein interactions measured by iBRET -Start iBRET via webstart or GUI using[Linux/Mac]/gui.bat(Windows) -Choose method "Classification" (you may also choose Training at the same time if you want to perform training before classification) -Load Data -Choose input file for interactions -Press "Browse" -Browse your computer for a file containing interactions you want to classify -Important: the data has to be in iBRET-format, see our example files PRS_Data.txt or RRS_Data.txt for more detail -Press "open" -The name of the data file should now appear in the text field -Press "load" to load previously added data file -Select which parameters you want to use for classification -Important: "use parameters from training" is only available if you have just trained the thresholds (see method "Training") -If you selected "use user-provided parameters" you are free to set your own thresholds for classification -Set luciferase cutoff: specify the cutoff for luciferase signals (see Online Methods for further detail). For example, you could use 15,618. -Set upper threshold of grey area: every BRET-ratio exceeding this threshold will be classified as positive interaction -Set lower threshold of grey area: every BRET-ratio below this threshold will be classified as negative interaction -Results will be shown in the textfield below. -To get predictions for indiviudal proteins press "save" and save the data file in any directory. -Output format is: -Protein 1, protein 2, BRET-ratio, classification -Letter code for classification: -P: classified as interacting -N: classified as non interacting -A: BRET-ratio is within grey area, further experiments need to be done