Example case - Using the HALO GUI

This example case demonstrates the usage of the HALO GUI on example data provided in HALO/data. Analogous examples are given for the command line and the Java API. The data used in the examples is part of the HALO package and can be found in the data folder.

Table of contents:

Loading the data

Please start the HALO GUI as described under Graphical user interface and click OK in the greeting pop-up. You will now see the HALO GUI interface. For this example we want to use the data provided in the corresponding HALO/data folder. If you are using the webstart version, please download the example files from the HALO website.
In order to load this into the application, you can use the Load-Data-panel always shown at the top.

Filtering the data
We now want to filter the data according to a numerical threshold and present/absent calls.
Normalizing the data
Before calculating half-lives we have to normalize the data.
Calculating the median half-life
Based on the normalized data we can now calculate the median half-life.
Filtering with probeset quality scores
Before starting the half-life calculation we want to filter again according to the probeset quality scores (PQS). If you want to compare these scores before and after filtering, you can access the calculation of these via the menu bar, Quality control and then Calculate the probeset quality control scores. If you compare the histogram produced here with the histogram generated after filtering, you should see a high decrease in numbers of probesets with scores higher than 1.
Calculating half-lives
We are now ready to calculate our half-lives. We will demonstrate how to use normalization with linear regression and based on median as a basis for half-live calculation.
Quality control
We can use RNA sequences to evaluate the quality of our input data. This is based on a comparison of number of Uracils per sequence and the logarithm of a certain ratio, e.g. newly transcribed/total.

HALO documentation