Graphical user interface

The HALO package incorporates a graphical user interface (GUI) for an easy access to most of the methods.

Starting the GUI

The GUI java program is launched with a start-up script located in the main directory of the HALO package. Choose the right script, depending on your system:
Alternatively you can start the GUI via the webstart version available at the HALO homepage.

Basic features of the GUI

Please note that you should use American number format (e.g. 0.05 instead of 0,05) to assure the best performance of the HALO GUI!

First steps

Check out the First steps guide for a 5-minute tutorial to the HALO GUI and the Example case for demonstration of the GUI for example data.


By default 1GB of memory will be available for the Java VM when using a command line tool. If you want to change this amount, specificy -Xmx000m as the first argument where 000 is the amount of megabytes which will be available. (Note: the -Xmx parameter is directly passed to the Java virtual machine, syntax errors will cause error messages of the Java interpreter).

Example: -Xmx2048m


Main panels
Menu bar

HALO documentation