The study of alternative splicing on the protein level is challenging due to the comparably low sequence coverage of current mass spectrometry-based proteomics. This often prevents alternatively spliced isoforms from being resolved in the data. Consequently, studies on fundamental aspects of splicing, such as the regulation of splicing (differential alternative splicing) are still at an early stage and often not feasible on a proteome wide scale. The computational tool MS-EmpiReS detects differential alternative splicing by not only relying on sequence information, but also on quantitative information which allows to also resolve splice events which would otherwise not be accessible and allows proteome-wide screening for differential alternative splicing.
- ms_empires (179 MByte)
- ms_empires_v1.1 (186 MByte)
- readme_v1.1 (97 KByte)
- readme (76 KByte)